Muriel and the development of the Atlantic Essences

I have been preparing essences with Nature for the last 18 years, and yet it never felt the right time to bring these essences out into the world.

However, last year, something changed and I was led by the essences into a process which meant that some essences were let go off, others remained and a few ones came as new additions. This brought the range to its current form with a total of 15 essences, divided in equal parts of 3 types:
Flower/Tree Essences, Animal Essences and Environmental Essences

The range will no doubt grow but I was very interested to see that it ended being the way that it currently is, with no intent on my part. This to me shows me one of the central themes recurring throughout the essences: when the timing is right, it all flows.

What brought me to love essences and develop my own range?

My background is in therapy work, being a qualified homeopath, flower essences practitioner and aromatherapist. I have been practicing for 18 years and although my initial qualification was in homeopathy, I quickly focused on helping people with the support of all kinds of essences and ranges, since I was blessed to have wonderful teachers – Steve Johnson – the Alaskan Essences, Ian White – the Australian Bush Essences – Daniel Mapel – The Wild Earth Animal Essences , Arthur Bailey – The Bailey Essences.

Each range and teacher taught me something new and something different, and I also felt very early on that one day, I would develop my own range of essences, which has now manifested through the Atlantic Essences named after my love of the Atlantic ocean. I am of French origin but did live for over 25 years in the UK, which means that most of the essences come from there.

Now that I have been back in France for a year, I offer consultations, training, workshops and retreats of which you can find more information on my new website:

Contact me

If you would like to discuss anything, please call me on 07545 380915 (UK) / 0632 164188 (France)
or send me a message using the form.

"Expansion workshop" Thursday 26th October between 7 and 9 pm UK time, on zoom

Launching a new single Essence to the range, called « Wild Blue Fern: Abundance» (see description in « The Essence Shop »), and also imminently, 4 combinations, I have been called to prepare a workshop on « Expansion », with the following theme in mind :

What is the place of Expansion in your life, how would you like to cultivate it, to be even more opened to it ? Are there areas in your life where you would like to feel more « expansive » ?

There will be space for meditation, under the guidance of the « Abundance » Essence, time for sharings and questions.
Abundance is much more than a « program », more of a feeling… Feeling abundant in ourselves is what I am intending to explore with you in this new workshop.

Fee for the workshop : £30

To book, please contact me via email;   and I will send you my bank or PayPal details. Thank you


“10 natural remedies” online seasonal workshops

3 weekly workshops, each season, starting with:

“How to take care of our physical, mental and emotional health and well-being in Autumn »

Wednesday 1st/8th/15th November  between 7 and 9.30 pm UK time, on zoom 

It has come, even more, to my awareness that it does not take much at all, to take care of ourselves. Just the willingness, and the awareness we are worth it !! Once we have taken this decision to be kind to ourselves, Nature responds to us in myriad ways and we have wonderful natural remedies that are here to support us.

During my 25 years of living in the UK, I have trained and qualified in various amazing natural medicines such as Homeopathy, Aromatherapy and Vibrational Essences therapy and know how deep reaching they can be for us.

And I have come with the following proposal :

Each season, I will present over the zoom platform, 3 weekly workshops ; starting with the Autumnal Season, taking place and presenting remedies, as below :

1st November : 10 essential oils

8th November : 10 homeopathic remedies

15th November : 10 vibrational Essences (different types of essences : Flower/Environmental/Animal Essences from a variety of ranges :

Bach flower remedies, Australian Bush Essences, Wild Earth Animal Essences, Alaskan Essences and of course, the Atlantic Essences !

The strong invitation is to attend all 3 workshops, however it is possible to purchase them on a single basis. 

Fee for 1 workshop: £35 ,

Fee for the 3 : £90

If you are interested, please register ASAP

To book, please contact me via email;   and I will send you my bank or PayPal details. Thank you.
